Friday, November 29, 2019

The Environment, Resources, and Their Economic Effects

Introduction According to Paltseva and Roine (para. 1), natural resources contribute to spending, labor income, and jobs. These resources support numerous jobs and offer employment to the residents of a country. Natural resources and the educated workforce are interconnected and it is of great importance for the state to generate a quality labor force via the attainment of higher education.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Environment, Resources, and Their Economic Effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Before the globalization processes started, it was prudent to assume that natural and environmental resources had no competition because resources were in abundance and the economy was using them in an unlimited way. Wealth, jobs, and prosperity were got from these resources via the extractive industries. In turn, the industries converted the resources into commodities. A healthy economy, and a healthy enviro nment could be achieved, but not at the same time. Economic competition was not rife and most of the resources in the environment were free. However, the current scenario predetermines that there is the increased competition for the natural resources that continues to grow. These resources are no longer abundant with the increase in human population that is depleting them. This essay will highlight the economic effects of the environment and the natural resources. The Effect of Resources on the Economy According to Poser (20), natural resources can no longer satisfy the human demands that are placed on them. Therefore, when the resources are allocated to a particular use, other application methods compete with the primary one. It is worth noting that such a trade-off means that the decisions to allocate the resources, like development and protection, generate costs and benefits. They have ramifications for the present and future inhabitants of the nearby communities and the entire r egions. In this paper, it is clear that a natural resource cannot satisfy the demand for the service and goods that it provides. Subsequently, to understand the economic ramifications of the development or protection of the economic resources, one should understand the extent to which it will affect the aforementioned competition.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One should keep in mind that the economic value of the natural resources stems from their commercial demands, which entails their development or extraction. The term extraction refers to activities, industries, and the use of resources associated with the production of timber, grazing, mining, and various activities that electrically, physically, or chemically remove several elements from their sources. The term development can be regarded as occupation of a site by structures set up by human beings. This occurs most ly in the event of urbanization. It also entails intense activities by the human beings such as conversion of open land into commercial and housing buildings, the change of the floral community in the forest, the development of recreational sites for the developing industries, and other aspects. The commercial demand for the resources in the environment comes from the public and private enterprises. This is defined broadly to include the groups that sponsor the development and extractive activities. There are two types of demand for the natural resources. First, there is the identification of a specific development, or extractive use of a piece of land that possesses various characteristics. These characteristics can cover the fact that it uses the resources in a direct manner, it depletes the stocks of a number of resources, and that it has a better position compared to the competitors with regard to economic competitiveness (Sarsby and Meggyes 39). Although the identification of a particular use is purposeful, it is arbitrary. This kind of demand is mostly associated with extractive industries such as forestry, mining, and industrial farming. Generally, only a single commercial industry has benefits from some use of the natural resources. In the public domain and protection of resources, the economic significance of various natural resources use is expressed in terms of incomes and jobs for the local populace and profits for the local firms. In several cases, the aforementioned commercial use manifests as the only way for the local residents to derive incomes, profits, and jobs from the natural resources in the area. It is a common event that the extractive or development uses of land are allowed. This translates to gains for the local economy in terms of profits, incomes, and jobs. However, if there is a restriction of these services, then the land will lack a positive influence on the particular economy (Qazi and Qazi 207).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Environment, Resources, and Their Economic Effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Measures of Economic Benefits Assessment of economic benefits is achieved through four measures which include labor, income, employment, and value added. To understand these impacts, the principal idea is that the economic impacts of the resources and other economic activities are widespread after assessing the linkages between the various sectors of the country’s economy. This means that the economic activities related to the environmental resources spread the economic benefits via the multiplier effect. Mining and other businesses related to tourism spend money, hire workers in the economy, and this translates to further income and spending. Hence, in the multiplier effect, the economic activities are directly connected to the resource base of the state and are amplified because their hiring and spending in the econo my creates multiple income layers for numerous sectors (Qazi and Qazi 245). The multiplier is an accepted and practiced technique that is used in the assessment of the ramification of business activities in the region. The basis for the calculation of the economic ramification of the environment and the resources via the multiplier effect is an example of the output-input model. The analysis of the economic impacts entails the calculation of the extent to which environmental activities stimulate economic effects. Based on this assessment, the results from the aforementioned model quantify the effects of the cluster of business activities developed around environmental resources (Hackett 340). Although the output-input analysis requires an advanced training on the economy for full understanding of the economic benefits, the elements may be stated in terms that are straightforward. To arrive at the overall economic impacts, economists have to assess the initial effects of purchases an d payroll. The economic effects mentioned above are referred to as direct. Subsequently, the induced and direct effects emanate from the local purchases and the payroll. The aforementioned effects are assessed through various measures, which include the value added, employment, labor income, and the overall economic impact. Total impact refers to the contribution of the resource to the economic activity.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is a measure of the yearly value of services and goods that are associated with business activities, which rely on natural resources. Value added means the general contribution that a resource has towards a country’s economy. Labor income is the contribution that the resource has on salaries and wages. Last, employment is the number of jobs that are associated with the aforementioned economic activities that are tied to the natural resources (Resosudarmo 50). Specific Economic Activities Recreational activities are the ones in which the benefits of the environmental activities can be assessed. Natural resources form the basis for most of the recreational activities in various parts of the world. These resources must be managed and their maintenance should be given the utmost consideration. Hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing are also activities that are connected to economic impacts. Most regions have departments that ensure the aforementioned activities are catered for based on their economic impacts. Coastal tourism is also an environmental resource that makes immerse economic contribution. Most educated people prefer to reside in areas that have natural resources with high quality. Environmental resources are also sources of amenities, which make working and living in a particular region to be more pleasant (James 35). Unlike the consumer goods that are purchased in specific stores, natural amenities’ consumption is catered for by the federal government or the state. In other locations, regulatory bodies deal with it. Mountains and beaches are environmental resources that help in attraction and retention of the skilled workers in various countries as this is directly connected to economic benefits. Factors for the quality of life are vital factors in the recruitment and retention of the skilled workers and entrepreneurs. The ramification of the natural resources has been confirmed in numerous research studies that tend to look at the inv estors’ choices. Some natural characteristics of a country could enhance its attractiveness. Moreover, to add to the income generated and the local jobs connected with spending on recreation process, it is clear that the amenities engender consumer surplus with regard to the economic value. The surplus is the difference of whatever consumers are willing to pay for the amenities like lakes and beaches and the value that they pay for to enjoy the benefits. Surveys have estimated that the economic value, which consumers place on various types of recreation like camping, hunting, wildlife, and swimming, translates to billion dollars. For countries that are endowed with the aforementioned resources, there is a huge value that reflects high economic benefits (United Nations 142). Forestry is another environmental activity that provides the basis for economic activities. This form of natural resource has widespread economic ramification with activities line logging and forestry amou nting to billions of dollars. These activities rank as the most significant parts of the manufacturing sector. In the direct terms, the forestry industry of the state is the first in employment among the manufacturing sectors in many countries. When the economy is strong, the annual exports from the products amount to billions. Generally, the export of forest products has grown and the exports are poised to attain significant growth in the future. Forestry has had immense impact on the economy of countries that are endowed with the resources because it is a source of employment opportunities (James 20). Minerals are also environmental and natural resources that have an economic impact on a country. Mining activities such as quarrying are rampant in various parts of the world. This results from the endowment of the state with resources that are usable. Quarries and mines extend to various regions and are in the rural and urban areas. The economic impact is huge with mining being a dr iver of the economy in many regions. It contributes to not only the value added but also to numerous jobs connected to the industry via induced, indirect, or direct effects (Resosudarmo 67). Commercial fishing is also another domain in which the economic impact of natural resources can be assessed. In the recent past, various regions have witnessed the transformation of the realm of commercial fishing, which is vital in an economy that depends on resources. Commercial fishing is a business that keeps alive the character of various regions. Presently, it includes a bubbling aquaculture industry in which fresh techniques have created new opportunities for businesses in a number of countries. Commercial fisheries have accounted for millions in revenue (Poser 10). According to the aforementioned findings, natural resources contribute to spending, labor income, and jobs. Natural resources support more jobs and employment offers than any other asset in a state. It should also be mentioned that natural resources and the educated workforce are interconnected and complimentary. On one hand, it is important that a state generates the quality of labor force through the attainment of higher education. The state also has to retain the educated population and this is assisted by maintenance of the integrity of the natural resources. In addition to creation of jobs, natural resources help in preservation of the human capital because of the fact that educated people are mobile in nature, human capital, and amenities are complementary. Amenities like natural resources have a positive influence on the quality of life of a country’s residents. A high life quality means that the residents have a high likelihood of remaining where they are. The natural environment is also influential in maintaining the health of its inhabitants (Poser 20). Individuals benefit immensely from their contact with the nature. Hence, preservation of the natural resources is a part of the health s trategy of a state. Overall, the true value of the natural resources is high. Therefore, they should be considered vital in the development of the economy. The strategy of the state should be to focus on the rewarding business of the natural and environmental resources and enhance the quality of life of the state in the process. Thus, it should be a central part of regional and local economic strategies (Qazi and Qazi 35). A Table Showing How the Economy Depends on Natural Resources Source: Paltseva and Roine Conclusion In summary, the environment and natural resources have a huge economic impact that is felt in domains such as employment, which has a direct impact on the country’s inhabitants’ life quality. The promotion of the natural resources base should be a key in the development policy of all economies. During the time of economic uncertainties, relevant departments need to utilize their resources in promotion of development that can translate to benefits of bu sinesses. Natural resources play a great role in taking such economic decisions. This essay has articulated the economic benefits of the environment and natural resources. It is important for a country to take care of its natural environment because of the accruing economic benefits. Several measures of how natural resources contribute to the economy have been assessed. Works Cited Hackett, Steven C. Environmental and Natural Resources Economics: Theory, Policy, and the Sustainable Society. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 2011. Print. James, David. The Application of Economic Techniques in Environmental Impact Assessment. New York: Springer, 1994. Print. Paltseva, Elena and Jesper Roine. Are Natural Resources Good or Bad for Development? 2011. Web. Poser, Nadine. Economic, Environmental and Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism: An Analysis from Mexico. Munich: GRIN Verlag, 2008. Print. Qazi, Shabir Ahmad and Navaid Shabir Qazi. Natural Resource Conservation and Environment Management. New Delhi: APH Publishing, 2008. Print. Resosudarmo, Budy P. The Impact of Environmental Policies on a Developing Economy. Munich: VDM Publishing, 2010. Print Sarsby, R. W. and T. Meggyes. The Exploitation of Natural Resources and the Consequences: The Proceedings of Green 3 : the 3rd International Symposium on Geotechnics Related to the European Environment Held in Berlin, June 2000. London: Thomas Telford, 2001. Print. United Nations. Decoupling Natural Resource Use and Environmental Impacts from Economic Growth. Stevenage: UNEP/Earthprint, 2011. Print. This essay on The Environment, Resources, and Their Economic Effects was written and submitted by user Brooklynn K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

My love Essays - Elena Ferretti, I Wanna Go, Free Essays

My love Essays - Elena Ferretti, I Wanna Go, Free Essays My love, Nothing in this world has ever been more beautiful than getting to lay my eyes on you. Youre the reason I live and breathe. You complete me. You make me the happiest girl in the world. You make me want to buy the world, the moon and the stars, and give it all to you. You make me warm like the summer, mess up your hair, sing out of tune, baby I dont care. You make me want to fly over the world, hold your hand, dance in the rain, linger in your eyes, baby it's insane. You make my world go round, the film strip to my life, the music to my ears and the one Ill make my husband. You make me laugh, you make me smile, you make me me, and see how good life can be. You light up my life, brighter than the sun, fill me full of fun, enter lotteries Ive already won. You make me wanna buy you truck parts, write your name in the diesel smoke on your truck, love you every way I can. You make me wanna swim the sea for one more kiss, hold you for every second of bliss, miss you like Ive never missed. You make me cherish yesterday, love today and live for tomorrow. You pick me up when I fall down, change the direction of any frown, are a prince without a crown. You are my desire, you take me higher, consume me like a fire. You make me drunk off your love, high on your smile, dream of you walking down the isle. You make me wanna see it all said and done, look at us like the lucky ones, live all my life with you the only one. You make me wanna sing more than say, always follow through, listen to your words, the music of my day. You make me forget how to breathe, lose track of time, fall in love, youre more than a dime. You make me wanna love you so, never wanna see you go, teach you all the things I know, yell your name on the radio. You make me wanna fly, you make me wanna soar, you make me wanna hold you forever more. You make me wanna kiss your very core, forget it all, lock the door, stare into the eyes of everything I adore. You make my heart giggle, my butt tickle, and love you the opposite of a little. You make me wanna call you baby, forget about maybe, drive me crazy, youre the craziest man. You make me forget about never, live like forever, love so deep I change the weather. You make me live laughter, immune to disaster, touch my soul, my heart beats faster. I love you forever and ever... happily ever after. Love, Baby Girl 3

Friday, November 22, 2019

Tourism Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism Operations Management - Assignment Example Improvement in environmental planning and management in the destination including provision of environmental control measures and services such as monitoring and 'improving air and water quality, litter clearance, provision of waste recycling schemes, etc.'; Tourism is a key industry for UK with an annual turnover accounting for over 4% of GDP and with over 7% of the working population working in the sector. As per Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2004), UK is one amongst the top ten world tourism earners. More than 86% of England's tourism income comes from domestic visitors and the sectors that have contributed to the attractiveness of England for domestic tourists, and of Britain for overseas visitors include, transport, galleries, museums, theatres, heritage sites in public and private ownership, conference and exhibition venues, shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants. Positioning of UK as a important destinations rests on meeting and exceeding customers expectations. The priority areas identified by the Government are marketing and e-tourism, product quality, workforce skills, data and advocacy of the case for supporting the tourism industry. Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837, is a prime tourist attraction. Although many of the official events and receptions are held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are open to visitors on a regular basis. ... Sustaining tourism enterprises; Prioritising markets that strengthen economic returns; Promoting the use of local products and integration with other sectors; Spreading tourism benefits and opportunities throughout the communities and Strengthening communication with visitors and local residents. The report cites the case of Buckingham Palace, efforts in place and those desired to improve the quality of tourism. Tourism in UK Tourism is a key industry for UK with an annual turnover accounting for over 4% of GDP and with over 7% of the working population working in the sector. As per Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2004), UK is one amongst the top ten world tourism earners. More than 86% of England's tourism income comes from domestic visitors and the sectors that have contributed to the attractiveness of England for domestic tourists, and of Britain for overseas visitors include, transport, galleries, museums, theatres, heritage sites in public and private ownership, conference and exhibition venues, shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants. Positioning of UK as a important destinations rests on meeting and exceeding customers expectations. The priority areas identified by the Government are marketing and e-tourism, product quality, workforce skills, data and advocacy of the case for supporting the tourism industry. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837, is a prime tourist attraction. Although many of the official events and receptions are held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are open to visitors on a regular basis. These include the State Rooms, open during the Annual Summer Opening in August and September, which during the 58 days of operation from 31 July to 26

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Innovation of Emirates 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Innovation of Emirates 2 - Essay Example Appraisal of the Organization The Emirates Airlines has had a profitable run for a while now, and this calls for an in depth look at the company. This will involve looking at the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities that the company has and the threats that the company has to its profitability. Strengths of the Airline As seen above, the company has managed to be profitable within the economic downturn that has faced many of her competitors. This certainly points to the strength that this company has to its advantage. One strong point of this company is the level of stability in terms of management that the company has. In light with this, the company is able to transact with its clients who have a high level of trust that the company will deliver when it promises to do so. Another upside to the state ownership is the fact the company has a secure source of funding for its existent or future plans. Unlike most other airlines that compete with the Emirates Airlines, t he issue of funding does not bring in as much headache as it does to a lot of her competitors. This is because the state is in complete control of the airline and has a much wider purse with which it can fund the airline’s operations. This, to a large extent explains why the company has been able to remain successful in the long run. The airline is also committed to the use of technology in improving its services. The company has embraced the use of online booking of its tickets as a way of easing congestion as well as improving the overall customer experience. The company has adopted the use of Verified by Visa (VbV) technology (Pan and Polishuk 2004). This is a move that has been calculated to ensure that the airline has a safer mode of transaction with its clients. Aside from that, this technology is also poised to place the airline on a leadership vantage point in relation to its competitors. In addition, this has the advantage of mounting the trust that the clients place on the airline securing their return services. The airline has also strength in terms of the services that it offers to its travellers. The premium customers will get a limousine ride from their homes or office to the airport (Shaw 2011). This action, which is part, of the company’s product differentiation strategy, is calculated to encourage more clients to explore the premium package. This is further accentuated by the services that the clients will get once they arrive at the airport. These services include a kerbside check-in facility to eliminate the hustle of carrying heavy language into the terminal and further a luxurious lounge and ease for the passenger during checking-in (Shaw 2011). This, obviously remove many of the hustles that go with travelling. Therefore, this has had the effect of ensuring that customer loyalty is upheld as well as customer comfort throughout their travel. Weaknesses of the Airline The airline has a number of issues that limit its performan ce. Some of these issues have a lot to do with the ownership and by extension the management of the airline. Accordingly, the government, having full ownership of the airline highly controls the running of the airline’s operations. The government’s say in the running of the airline is a hindrance in many times (Betz 2010). Though the government having a say in the airline is not such a bad thing in the ultimate outlook, it may constitute interference when it decides to overhaul a decision that the airlines’

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Business assessment - Assignment Example Recommendations 15 8. References 16 9. Appendix 19 1.0 Introduction Purpose of the Report The purpose of this report is to provide a critical comparative analysis of two organisations in the way they are operated and managed. This is to help us in discovering what causes success or failure for organisations and how different organisations adapt to dynamic environment. Organisations not flexible enough to adapt to the environment are unable to attract and retain talented employees or take advantage of available opportunities hence cannot achieve organisational effectiveness. Scope of the Report To analyse the operation and management of the two organisations the report will consider how they are structured and designed so as to show the interrelationships between roles and departments and lines of authority. Secondly, report will cover organisation of work especially the use of teams and team working. Thirdly, it will analyse the approaches to leadership and management adopted by the organisations as this determines their success or failure. The report will then analyse the organisational culture and its impact on the organisations operations and lastly, conclusions and recommendations will be made on how to improve operations and management. Organisations Background Biogenta is a manufacturing company producing crop-protection products and whose mission is to be the most trusted provider of crop-protection products in the world. It has manufacturing facilities in 10 countries and employees in over 80 countries. Contrary to popular belief that large size companies are bureaucratic in nature, Biogenta has an organic structure and a matrix design where individuals belong to a functional area and a project team. The chief executive officer, Jane Morgan is an effective leader and manager whose encouragement of creativity and innovation has pushed the company to greater heights. The company has a very strong culture which emphasizes on learning and development, diver sity and corporate social responsibility. Outback Inc is a traditional organisation run by family members. It offers tourism services to wide range of clients and operates in a very turbulent environment. Being a small organisation, it is expected to have an organic structure but instead, it is bureaucratic in nature with a functional design and little or no teamwork. Creativity and innovation is hindered by its autocratic leadership style. The company has no vision or mission and has a high turnover culture due to lack of opportunity for advancement and employee voice. 2.0 Organisational Design and Structure Benowitz (2011, p.70) defines an organization structure as â€Å"the configuration and interrelationships of positions and departments†. An organisation design on the other hand, is the change of an organization structure to enable it to respond effectively to environmental changes. A poor organization design and structure can lead to lack of co-ordination among function s, slow decision making, and role confusion (Corkindale, 2011). Types of Organisation structure An organisation structure is determined by the degree of complexity, formalisation, and centralisation. Complexity reflects the amount of differentiation in an organisation; formalisation shows the degree to which an organisation uses rules and procedures to direct behaviour while centralisation reflects how power and authority is distributed in an organisation. Gitman and McDaniel (2008) recognise two kinds of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Strategic Management And Decision Making

Strategic Management And Decision Making When the benefits of actions are predictable, when the forces or variables that drives the firm are known and move in deterministic manner, when the deviations arent high , one can easily use standard decision making optimization techniques. But when the situations are unpredictable, forces are unknown and move in unpredictable and non-linear manner, and then optimization principles will not help much. And this is what we are facing today. The utter necessity of tactical, operational and strategic approach is the solution to such dynamic situations that can be achieved through making important decisions strategically. CHARACTERISTICS AND APPROCHES TO STRATEGIC DECSION MAKING Unlike routine decisions, strategic decisions are highly substantial and significant that has pervasive and long term effect on an organization life. Such decisions must have following characteristics to be considered as a direction for future actions throughout an organization, these are: Rare: Strategic decisions are rare and unusual and do not have any example or model to follow. Consequential: Since strategic decisions are substantial, therefore its demands lot of dedication from people at all levels. Percussive: Good strategic decisions serve as a role model and set standards for upcoming decisions in future. Also as stated by Cyert and March(1963) that in established organization, the scope for decision making is limited by prior decision, either explicit or implicit, as well as being limited by morally committed to resources and departments etc. According to Thompsons (1967) decisions has 2 major dimensions i.e. preference about possible outcomes and cause and effect relations. And the degree of certainty and uncertainty is defined by causation and outcome preference, as shown in figure below: Fig.1 Situation Certainty Uncertainty Certain Computational Compromise Uncertain Judgmental Inspirational Computational Decision Making: Computational decisions are the outcomes of linear relation between causation and preferred outcomes. For examples, if company wishes to increase its sales by 2%, it must increase its advertisement by 4% , and for 4% sales, it must increase advertisement by 8%, knowing linear relation exists between cause and effect. Thus increasing advertisement increase sales by double and this is called programmed decisions by Simon(1997). Judgmental Decision Making: It occurs when cause and effect relation is uncertain, but outcome preference is certain. For examples a company targets to increase its sales by 2% for the coming year, but is uncertain about how to much increase advertisement to reach such target. So some kind of experienced powerful individual of committee with high intuition is required for effective decisions. Compromise Decision making: Compromise decisions are the outcomes of situations where there is certainty about causation and uncertainty about preferred outcomes. From previous examples, if company knows from its historical data that for every 2% increase in sales, the advertising must be increased by double, this is causation certainty, but there is uncertainty about achieving desired goals with respect to increase in sales. Inspirational Decision Making: Such decisions are the outcomes of both uncertainty about cause and effect as well aS preferred outcomes. For an instance, a company isnt sure that how much advertising percent be increased to get certain percent of sales increment. So for such cases a entrepreneurial mode or well planned mode is required to make careful decisions. Because of uncertain business environment, decision makers face difficulty matching probability with outcomes, having many decision tools in hand. However, again despite of having such tools, lack of accuracy is also one of the biggest obstacles in making decisions strategically. In short we can summarize typical problems involved in strategic decision making are: Uncertainty: Dealing with excessive complexity and rapid changes Self-fulfilling prophecies: Coping with situations that external factors arent fixed, but are affected by decisions. Fragmentation: Working to connect regional functional groups. According to Mintzberg, there are different approaches to making strategic decisions, that could be done by one person or by team. Entrepreneurial Mode The strategy is developed by one individual with strong entrepreneurial capabilities, supported by the owners vision of direction. It is a good example of availing the available opportunities. Example AOL, Adaptive Mode Unlike entrepreneurial mode, adaptive mode is the focus on the threats posed by external conditions, rather than search for opportunities. Planning Mode Planning mode is the combination of both entrepreneurial mode and adaptive mode, which consist of proactive search for opportunities and reactive solutions to current problems. It is a typical form of decision making where set alternatives strategies are presented and the best are chosen and implemented. Logical Incrementalism This philosophy of decision making is characterized by achieving organizational objectives by disseminating large organizational objectives into small steps for better focus. Though it is time consuming, but offers greater flexibility. STEPS IN STRATEIC DECISION MAKING PROCESS One of the distinguishing factor of strategic decisions from other decisions is context in which decision is made. The figure below represents this context in 3 Cs form i.e. Company, Competitor and Customer. This means that managers ( company) make decision within organizational context ,with influence from other players like customers and competitors .Thus we can say that managerial strategic decision is outcome of number of players like manager himself, customers, competitors, public, media etc. As we can also see from figure that many factors, both external and internal are involved in strategic decision making. There are modifiers, influencers, and controllers and so on that decides the viability of decision making. As mentioned before that most appropriate approach to strategic decision making is Planning mode, because it is more analytical, flexible in dealing with complex and changing environment, and consist of presenting set alternative strategies in response to solution for existing problems or looking for new opportunities. Following are the steps involved in strategic decision making process, shown in fig. 4 Evaluate current performance result: The first step in decision making is (a) evaluating current performance of the company in terms of various measuring tools of decision making i.e. NPV, ROI, profitability etc and (b) evaluating the current mission, vision, strategies and policies of the organization. Review corporate governance Assess the performance of the organizations board of directors and top management, and agency head. Scan and assess the external environment Analyze the external environment. i.e. Societal and Task environment, for opportunities and threats and weigh external strategic factors. Scan and assess the internal environment Analyze the internal environment i.e. organization Culture, Structure and Resources for example programs, IT needs, constraints and weigh strategic factors in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Analyze strategic (SWOT) factors Consider strategic factors in light of current department situation and review and revise the firms mission, vision, strategies and objectives. Generate, evaluate and select the best alternative strategy Keeping in view the previous step of analyzing strategic factors, operate and evaluate strategic alternatives and options and choose the best feasible options. Implement selected strategies Once the strategies are chosen, the next important step is to implement them keeping in considerations factors like budget, resources etc. Evaluate implemented strategies This is a very important step in decision making to check for any deviation from actual desired and pre- planned outcomes. CONCLUSION Strategic management is one of the very important areas in business environment and making decisions strategically is one of the biggest challenges in todays rapidly changing and complex environment. Strategic decision making is a process of generating alternatives and choosing the best feasible alternatives for achieving long run objectives of the organization. Good strategic decisions are rare, consequential and directive, that set standard for future actions. The context in which the decisions are made is very important, as mentioned; it is external players like customers, competitors, media etc along with internal input from managerial efforts that effect quality of decisions. And also it is very important to know how these factors influences the quality and effectiveness of strategic decision making and be proactive to convert threats into opportunities, rather than being re-active in finding solutions to current problems. REFERENCES Raghbir S. Basi, University Professor of Management and Glenn and Eva Olds Professor of International Understanding, Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, Alaska, Administrative decision making: a contextual analysis Understanding Managers Strategic Decision-Making Process, WILIAM BOULDING ~ Fuqua S «hool of B «Ã‚ «siness, Duke Universitv Box 90121, Durham, NC 27708-1020 Retrived from URL : (Mulcaster, W.R. Three Strategic Frameworks, Business Strategy Series, Vol 10, No1, pp68 75, 2009) Our book Wheelen T.L ( ) and Hunger J. D Strategic Management and Business Policy Strategic decision making : Applying The Analytical Herarchical Process Navneet Bhushan and Kanwal Rai Retrieved from URL

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Where Has My Job Gone? Essay -- Employment India Essays

Where Has My Job Gone? With the implementation of minimum wage and rising production costs in the United States, many companies have found themselves looking for a way to save money on production. Clothing manufacturers such as Nike have used labor forces in other countries, mainly in Asia to produce their products. These countries can offer similar quality labor for a cheaper cost on wages. The lower or non existent minimum wage laws in foreign countries allow companies like Nike to cut production costs drastically, while still being able to produce quality products. Similar trends are starting to creep into software companies. They are finding a workforce able to do similar work as the American workers, but for less pay. These companies are outsourcing their work. Outsourcing is simply the transfer of operational responsibility of either business processes or infrastructure management to an external service provider. [1] The majority of these jobs end up in India due to their low wages and high l evel education. Why would companies outsource? Companies look to outsourcing software because of the many benefits it provides. Most noticeably is the savings on costs it can provide. The lower costs over in Asia, especially India, help to reduce and control costs. The production costs are lower because of the lower wages of the workers in India. The average yearly salaries for IT programmers were $5,880 in 2002 compared to the $63,331 US programmers were making. [2] The difference is that labor in India costs about 9% of the costs of the US labor. Furthermore, by outsourcing software work to India, companies can use their existing personnel for different projects. The US workers can be put on tasks that c... ...r, 2003. The International Herald Tribune Online. 16 March 2014. . [7] †Advantage of Outsourcing to India.† VT Consulting. 16 March 2014. . [8] Rayen, Ranjeet. â€Å"ITPL to become role model for Bangladesh’s hi-tech park.† 19 June 2001. 16 March 2014. . [9] Pink, Daniel. February 2004 â€Å"The New Face of the Silicon Age.† Wired. Issue 12.02. 16 March 2014. . [10] Adam Smith. An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), reprint, ed. Edwin Cannan (New York: Modern Library), 1937, p. 14.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Organization and Culture Essay

Provide a brief (one 1 paragraph) description of the organization you chose to research. The company that I chose to research is the company Google. Everyone is aware of Google. It is the most widely used search engine in the world. Google is considered to be one of the best, if not the best search engine of all time. The company Google is considered to be a technological giant and a threat to other tech giants, for example Microsoft. Google’s creators Larry Page and Sergey Binn, started this company in 1995. Google was first developed to be a search engine, but it has crown to the point where it can be used as an internet browser also. Unlike its competitor Microsoft Internet Explorer, it has to be compatible with certain browsers in order to function at its fullest potential. Examine the culture of the selected organization. Google’s corporate culture began with its founder’s philosophy, the famous 10 tenets. (Lisa Jackson 2013). And since Google is still controlled by its founders, that means that the culture in part of the company’s mantra. Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Binn believe that trust is one of the most important aspects for the culture at Google. Google mission is a culture of choice. That is they are not a conventional company in the sense that they are not a slave to Wall Street, and that allows them to build a culture that will deliver on this mission and that is principally organized to drive innovation. (Jeff Jarvis, 2013). Because of this trust that Google foster’s to their employees, they are allowed to take risk, while being innovative. And with innovation comes feedback and collaboration. With this type of corporate culture at Google, their employees are much more enthusiastic about the ideas that they present to the founders. There is not right or wrong way at Google, they are visionaries and as such can implement and idea, and if it works, that fantastic, if the idea does not work, then  back to the drawing board. Again, it all stems from the trust ideas from the founders. Google’s culture is very unique. At Google, they believe that if you focus on the user, all else will follow. They also believe that democracy on the web works and also that there is always more information out there. These are three out of the ten tenets that the founders of Google stand by. With these types of statements from one of the largest technological companies, it is no wonder that Google is considered the number 1 place to work in the United States. It’s because the founders allow the staff to develop ideas, make mistakes and they celebrate the failure instead of reprimanding or terminating the staff. This seemingly laid back culture fuels the imagination of the staff and gets them always looking for ways to improve not just the company, but themselves as well. Explain how you determined that the selected organization showed the signs of the culture that you have identified. When I decided to do rese arch on Google, and their culture, I decided to look at why this company is considered one of the best places to work in the United States. I asked myself, why is this company so popular? Why are their employees always happy? First you look at the culture. The founders believe in letting their employees be free to be innovative. They have a t-shirt and jeans work atmosphere, freedom to make mistakes and start over again, etc. This is only part of the culture. Another aspect of the Google environment is ensuring that their employees are adequately compensated. Their benefits are also excellent. Google’s employees enjoy free health and dental, free breakfast lunch and dinner. They also have an organic chef that caters to the needs of the employees. Google found that women were leaving the company at twice the rate of everyone else. In particular, this occurred with new mothers. Google’s maternity leave plan was 12 weeks paid time off. Human Resources changed the plan so new mothers could get 5 months paid time off with full pay and benefits. They were allowed to split this time up however they want. The result after the change in policy? A 50% reduction in attrition for new mothers. Google tries to hire and retain the best employees. They do this based on data. When this data is collected, they u se this information to gauge employees and improve their productivity.   Determine the factors that caused the organization to embody this particular culture. For Google, it seems as if the corporate culture that they have right now is doing just  fine. Google was name the top place to work in 2012. But if for some reason, they did decide to change their corporate culture, I think it would be to continue to enhance on the 10 tenets that was there from conception. Of course as time, and concepts changes over time, innovators such as Larry Page and Sergey Brinn will have to change as well.But, with a new CEO, Larry Page who is excited about leading the team into product development and technology strategy, but also keeping the core of the company for what it was when they first started. Google is efficient and effective. Fortune magazine reported that Google does more business than their entire competitor combined, plus they do it at a lower cost. Because Google has a casual and democratic atmosphere, resulting in its distinction as a â€Å"Flat† company. The company does not boast a large middle management, and upper management is so hands on, it’s hard to qualify them in a separate category. Teams are made up of members with equal authority and a certain level of autonomy is maintained.   Determine what type of leader would be best suited for this organization. Support your position. The type of leader that would be best suited for Google is a Transformational Leader. Transformational leadership is a type of leadership style that can inspire positive changes in those who follow. Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are these leaders concerned and involved in the process; they are also focused on helping every member of the group succeed as well. Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are able to inspire followers to change expectations, perceptions, and motivations to work towards common goals. They have the ability to garner trust, respect and admiration from their followers.   Imagine that there is a decline in the demand of products or services supplied by the selected organization. Determine what the change in culture would need to be in response to this situation. If for some reason there is a decline for the products and services supplied by Google, I think that the founders will continue to have the same culture that they originally started the company with. And I say that because, so far that culture seems to be what has Google as one of the top tech giants in the world. Of course, the founders Larry Page and Sergey Binn, being the visionaries that they are, as times and concepts changes over time, they will have to change as well. They will always have to be one  step ahead of the competition, if intend to last in the technological game. References The Real Secret of Google’s Corporate Culture: by Lisa Jackson, July 2013. Refreshing Google. By: Saporito, Bill. (2011) Vol. 177 Issue 5, p48-49. and Destroy. (Cover Story) Authors: Vogelstein, Fred. Source Fortune 5/2005 Vol. 151 Issue 9, p72-82. (Article) Real Difference between Microsoft and Google by: Dana Blankenhor (February 2008)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

10 Things You Shouldn’t Do When You’re Broke

10 Things You Shouldn’t Do When You’re Broke Whether being broke is a permanent state for you, or you’re just passing through a bit of hardship, there are a few lifestyle adjustments it would be prudent for you to make in order to not end up in a mountain of debt. Being broke is also incredibly stressful- you’re constantly worried about your bank balance and how you’ll afford necessary purchases. Why add to the stress?Here is a list of good things to avoid doing if you’re having trouble making ends meet.1. SmokeSeriously. Apart from the fact that it will eventually give you cancer (aka huge medical bills), it’s incredibly expensive to keep up. You’ll live longer and find you have a lot more spending money week to week.2. DrugsDon’t smoke anything else either. People can tell and won’t hire you. You’ll have to constantly worry about passing random or job-related drug tests, and you’ll be spending a lot of money you just don’t have.3. Join a GymFitness i s a great thing, but can be achieved much more cheaply than by getting a monthly (spendy) gym membership. Go running. Do push-ups and crunches. Try the Scientific 7-Minute Workout. Find yoga videos for free on YouTube. Figure out how to exercise for free- it’s super simple these days.4. Look Down on WorkAs long as someone’s job is legal and ethical, it’s no business of yours to look down on it. Maybe you should even consider the service industry. Answer phones, wait tables, clean houses. Just get yourself back on your feet.5. Make ExcusesChances are it’s your responsibility. Unless you’re caring for a sick loved one or facing enormous medical bills yourself, you probably were just living beyond your means. Own the position you’re in and take action to dig yourself out of your financial hole.6. Take Unnecessary VacationsIf you can’t keep up with your rent or car payments, then whatever extra cash you think you have for trips or weekend s away should probably be put to more constructive use. Don’t be flagrant when you can’t afford to be.7.  Go Out to EatAvoid restaurants. You can’t afford them. Seriously. Cook for yourself and bring your lunch- leftovers are your friend. That goes for buying coffee as well; get to know your Mr. Coffee- your new regular coffee shop! If you must go to a movie, smuggle cheaper snacks in in your handbag instead of shelling out for concession prices.8. Upgrade Your StuffNow isn’t the time to get a nicer car or move to a nicer neighborhood. You can’t afford the extra cash you’d need to get this done- or the loan payments. Stick with your station for a while longer until you can afford to move up.9. Ignore the BillsYou may cringe whenever a new pile shows up in the mail, and want to hide under the covers and hope that all your bills just go away. But they won’t. Open them. Call the companies. Set up payment plans. Be proactive. It’ s much better than blissful ignorance- which can still eat you alive with stress.10. Create WasteDon’t drive anywhere further than you have to. Consolidate errands to consolidate gas. Don’t go on lavish dates- simple ones will do and are often more romantic anyway. Don’t waste water or gas or electricity in your home. Don’t pay to do anything you could do yourself (car washes, house cleanings, lawn mowing). And don’t take on any extra expenses that aren’t absolutely necessary. Actually reading that magazine? Probably not. Cancel cancel cancel.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Your Discussion Section 4 Things to Remember - Proofed

Your Discussion Section 4 Things to Remember - Proofed Your Discussion Section: 4 Things to Remember When writing a master’s thesis or PhD dissertation, it’s easy to lose track of what you’ve done. This is why it’s important to plan your paper properly. Referring back to what you’ve already done is especially vital when discussing the results of your research, as it isn’t enough to simply describe your data. You also need to relate your results back to your original hypothesis and your literature review, which will help clarify the significance of your work. At Proofed, we’ve noticed that many overlook their literature review in the discussion section. But since this can seriously affect the clarity of your work, we’ve compiled the following list of four things to remember when discussing the results of your research. 1. Use Your Literature Review to Contextualize Your Work The main purpose of a literature review is to contextualize your work as part of an existing debate. Don’t forget this when it comes to discussing your results, as the overall significance of your research will depend on how you have engaged with past research. 2. Compare Your Results with Existing Studies Do your results agree or conflict with the past studies you’ve examined? If there’s a difference, why might this be? Comparing your results with past studies is a great way to connect your research with the existing debate. It can also provide the basis for the conclusions you draw from your results. 3. Understand the Limitations of Your Work The discussion section of your paper should include some acknowledgement of the limitations of your study (e.g., in terms of scope or the methods used). If you have critically analyzed similar studies in your literature review, you can compare your work against their strengths/weaknesses. 4. Don’t Be Afraid to Tweak Your Literature Review The focus of your research may change over time when working on a long-term project. This is normal. The key thing is to adjust the focus of your literature review to reflect these changes. When discussing your results, for example, if you notice certain themes or trends are more prominent than others, it’s often helpful to revisit your literature review to emphasize these same themes/trends there too. If you follow this advice you should find it much easier to communicate your ideas clearly when writing up your dissertation/thesis. But to make completely sure your writing is up to scratch before submission, it’s a good idea to have one of the experts at Proofed check your work. Try sending a 500-word sample to be proofread for free today.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Flight Operations Quality Assurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Flight Operations Quality Assurance - Essay Example He further said that the collection and availability of the data is of little use unless the problems, which were previously identified, are corrected. It is his recommendation that questions should be understood and answered by acting upon it accordingly. describes the activity tracking methodology of the CATS or Crew Activity Tracking System. CATS immediately identifies the error on commission and omission that leads to deviation. It is also useful in detecting procedural deviations that were not detected before. Moreover, CATS performance. CATS improve safety measures by using FOQA flight data to improve feedback. Should CATS have access to data regarding aircraft state, clearance constraints and pilot actions it could determine nuances in detail for efficient data analysis. immediate maintenance rather than performing maintenance at a schedule time interval. So, if an aircraft part needs to be changed after a flight then it must be done as soon as possible and does not need to wait for the part to be changed within the following week for its supposed regular schedule for maintenance check-up. This study by Stolzer (2002) recommends the use of a FOQA data-driven fuel consumption model to be use to find out why an aircraft uses a higher quantity of fuel than the actual amount prescribed by the air craft manufacturer. Since fuel is one of the major expenses of an airline company, it is imperative to consider whether the more than normal fuel consumption of fuel could be attributed to airframe or engine abnormalities. Whatever good results derived from the FOQA data-driven fuel consumption model to improve the safety of air travel must be incorporated within the overall quality system. According to Stolzers (2002) previous volume of this study, abnormal fuel consumption should be critically analyzed and data must be preserved within the ongoing quality assurance program of the air carrier. In this

Saturday, November 2, 2019

HOMEWORK 6 Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HOMEWORK 6 - Personal Statement Example It can hence be noted that a variance may hence be considered as unfavorable or on the contrary be favorable. Viewing a prepared income statement budget report, one visualizes how the variance does affect the overall net income of that company. Hence one can hence make deductions on whether they are favorable or unfavorable. This occurs when actual net overall income is less than the expected then the variance would be considered to be unfavorable. Hence, higher revenues can cause a favorable variance. Nonetheless, extreme higher costs and expenses do result in causing an unfavorable form of variance in a company (Richards, 1995). Sales variances can be considered to be favorable when the real sales can be seen as greater than the expected or what would be termed as the targeted sales. They can be unfavorable when the expected sales are lower than the targeted sales. Cost variances are favorable when real costs happen to be lower than the targeted costs. In many a times at the production level, sales of a company may be affected. Lower control in the quality of the production process may result to sub-standard quality of the goods. This ultimately would translate to poor sales for the company hence making lower levels of expected income. Things involving delays in the production process could also affect the products being readily available in the market and hence deter volume of sales. Failures which happen to arise in the production department subjected in satisfying specifications of customers also inhibit sales. Hence, it can be observed that considerate investigation and thorough research on the importance of these sales volume variances can translate to identifying those responsible for the overall dismal sales performance for the company (Richards, 1995). Furthermore, the company has to use such vital information so as to manage the various anticipated costs to be incurred. For instance, to determine volume variances, one needs to compare a static